
We are Calvary, and we would love the opportunity to help you find your place in God’s kingdom. We have a passion for bringing others to the Lord through heartfelt worship, selfless service, Christlike character and commitment to community. This is a church like no other, and we want to know you and your family!

Service Times

Sunday School
9:15 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship
10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Services
6:30 p.m.

What to Expect:

We are a church that wants to know Christ and to make Him known to you, and you’ll fit right in. We have believers who are committed to deepening their relationship with Jesus Christ. Upon your arrival, a greeter will welcome you at the entrance and assist you to our Welcome Desk. There, any questions you may have will be answered, and if you have children, they can direct you to children’s church.

All are welcome here!

What about Children?

We offer children’s ministry that is for the age group of birth through sixth grade. We ask that you arrive about 10 minutes early so you can drop your kid(s) off in children’s church and get them settled in before service begins. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to let your children learn and grow in an environment created just for them. For more information, visit our Kids’ Connection page!

What's up?

Follow us on social media to stay up to date!


Our Calvary men set aside time every Tuesday evening at 7 to gather and pray, study God’s Word, and fellowship. Next Tuesday, July 23, they will be having their monthly meal in the fellowship hall. Men of all ages are encouraged to come. You won’t want to miss out!


Join Miss Julie and our children on Wednesday evenings for our unique and inspiring Caravan program!

This Scout-like program gives kids an opportunity to learn camping skills, first aid, crafting, and basic skills at home to go on adventures and earn badges, all while incorporating learning God’s Word!

There is a class for every age group. See Miss Julie for more details!

Women's Bible Study

Our Calvary women will be meeting Tuesdays at 10am and 7pm.  A new ladies bible study will begin in the Fall 2024 – more information to come.


Tithes & Offerings through giving. Give online or in service.